Programs and other papers of the New York Flute Club, 1920-1994.


Programs and other papers of the New York Flute Club, 1920-1994.

The 1920's are represented by photocopies of programs from The Flutist (magazine) and later decades by some original programs and some photocopies, with a complete set for the 1980's and early 1990's only. Supplementary material includes the Certificate of Incorporation, 1920; membership lists; material about exhibit and related concert, 1980; material about A Tribute to Otto Luening, 1985; material about The First New York Flute Club Fair, 1994, and the 1995 New York Flute Club Fair; newsletters, 1989-1995.

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SNAC Resource ID: 6744645

New York Public Library System, NYPL

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New York Flute Club (corporateBody)